The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 it could once again push back the time of the year when Qualcomm announces the chip that will end up on all or most of the top of the Android range. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, Snapdragon 888 and predecessors they became official in December Before, sometimes, there was time and space in the summer for a slightly updated version, with more horsepower and often with higher efficiency.
It is the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2Qualcomm’s current best chip, to have unhinged consolidated habits: presentation two weeks in advance, from December to mid-November. And it doesn’t seem to be over here, judging by the rumors coming from the East: the launch event of Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 could be fixed in early November or even mid-October.
Comparison of reviews: S23 Ultra with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy, OnePlus 11 with the “for everyone” variant
In short, further and further back, so much so that the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 2 may not even arrive. After all, the sensation is that the ad hoc version of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for the Galaxy S23 is already an 8+ Gen 2 released well in advance to be given exclusively to Samsung: 3.36 GHz of maximum frequency against the 3.2 GHz of the “for everyone” variant is a big difference similar to that between Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and 8+ Gen 1 (3 vs 3.19 GHz).
Here she is our feeling is that Qualcomm played the 8+ Gen 2 card in advance to grant it exclusively to Samsung with adequate compensation. Consequently, never before would the decision to anticipate the debut of the next chip be as understandable as this year. Saying something about the news of Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 8/9 months after the presentation is an exercise with a high error rate, so here is what is circulating on the net to be taken, however, with a pinch of salt:
- architecture with 1 big core, 5 medium power and 2 high efficiency (1+4+3 on 8 Gen 2)
- TSMC’s N4P manufacturing process
- about 20% better efficiency.