WhatsApp Beta tests group polls with new features in the desktop version

WhatsApp Beta tests group polls with new features in the desktop version
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It’s no secret that WhatsApp is testing yet another popular feature among Telegram users: polls. The feature will allow an individual to create a question with different predefined answer options for the members of a group. This Monday (19), a new beta version began testing the function in the desktop application.

As noted by WABetaInfopolls will have intuitive and streamlined controls on the desktop version — as seen on Android and iOS, which has been tested since April 2022. Users will be able to create multiple preset responses and reorder them by dragging with the mouse before sending the poll to the group. Check out:

(Image: WABetaInfo)

The new version serves as an addition to the 2.2215.1 beta of WhatsApp Desktop. The previous build showed that the polling feature was still in its early stages of development, and now it brings improved controls so users have the same intuitive experience on mobile, tablet and PC.

Polls will display partial results live in the group chat, as seen in the iOS trial version. The function is included in the media sharing menu in the Android beta — that is, for a limited number of testers.

WhatsApp should also show a message reiterating that even the Polls are protected with company encryption. Also with a focus on privacy, the messenger began testing an option that allows users to hide their status, so that the “online” indicator is not shown when the app is open.

Polls and other beta-phase resources are slowly released to fans. If you are a tester and have not yet received the news, you need to wait until WhatsApp makes the function available for your device. The stable version of the feature could arrive via an update later this year.

What did you think of the new function? Do you intend to use it? Comment!

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