They create malware that intercepts mobile calls to access the user’s bank account

crean malware que intercepta las llamadas del movil para acceder a la cuenta bancaria del usuario.jpg
crean malware que intercepta las llamadas del movil para acceder a la cuenta bancaria del usuario.jpg

In the world of computer crimes, the methods used by hackers to penetrate a system or device are always notable, always with the aim of accessing the data that is stored or attacking it with viruses.

In this sense, a series of attacks on smartphones by hackers, who take advantage of this means to infect mobile devices with highly effective malware, were recently released.

Is about fake call, a banking Trojan designed for Android smartphoneswhich seems to be experiencing a notable increase in the number of attacks committed against mobile devices running this operating system.

This malware has the ability to replace any banking app and adopt the aesthetics of it, including the costumer service numbers through which he tries to take control of the smartphone.

Once the client proceeds to call any of the bank’s customer service numbers the malware springs into action and drops the call.

Then Fakecalls replace the call with another keeping the same layout on the smartphone screen. However, behind that screen that replicates the appearance of the one shown when making a call to the customer service number, hackers are waiting for the user to enter the data to access the bank’s virtual office.

Once this data is obtained, the hackers enter the bank’s app and voila! they already have access to the funds available in the user’s bank account.

After intercepting the call, Fakecalls access the user’s phone contact listalso taking control of the microphone, the camera, the geolocation and the Call History.

So far, the use of this malware has only been detected in South Korea where customers of several banks have been reported as victims of their action. However, it is necessary to remain vigilant, since it is likely that hackers from other countries will begin to replicate this method to increase the sophistication of their attacks.