TC Teach: how to create a direct download link on Google Drive

TC Teach: how to create a direct download link on Google Drive

If you’ve been following us for a while, then you probably already know that in addition to keeping you informed, we’re always trying to add knowledge to your everyday life, with tips and tutorials so you can get the most out of your devices and apps.

Today, continuing this routine, we present another tip; this time, for Google Drive users! Learn how to create a direct download link on Google’s cloud service below.

How to Create a Direct Download Link in Google Drive

Google Drive enables its users to share files basically in two ways: directly by sending emails or by creating and sharing private or public links.

In common, both methods, when their links are accessed, will take the user to a download page, being necessary to click on a button to start downloading the file.

With creating a deep link, on the other hand, this second step can be skipped. Thus, whoever clicks on the link created through the procedure described below will see the download begin automatically. The method can be replicated on any device.

  • Go to Google Drive and find the file you want to share;
  • Right-click on the file and click on “Generate Link”🇧🇷

  • Set the link access to “Anyone with the link” and click on “copy link🇧🇷

So far, the procedure has been basically the same as for a common share, as we’ve taught you in other tutorials. Now that you have the link in hand, you’ll need to make a small change to it to make the direct download possible.

  • At this point, your link will look like this:


  • Copy the text between “d/” and “/view🇧🇷 In our case it will be: 1YEkSgg55WiCdaUvNyKkjPp_lyUpsWWUc🇧🇷 This is the file’s unique ID.
  • Now, insert that ID in place of the “FILEID” at the link below:

  • Your link will look like this:

This is the direct download link for the selected file in Google Drive. Click the link or paste it into your browser. Instead of displaying the download web page, the file will download automatically.

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