Storage conference storage2day starts on October 13 in Munich

storage conference storage2day starts on october 13 in munich.jpg
storage conference storage2day starts on october 13 in munich.jpg

The focus of the conference will be, among other things, storage for HPC, ransomware protection and Ceph. Some tickets for the conference and workshop are still available.


There are only a few days left until storage2day begins on October 13 in Munich. Storage users, decision-makers and providers will meet again this year to exchange experiences and get first-hand information about current trends and challenges in the storage world. The event is organized by iX and dpunkt.verlag.

The participants can expect a program with more than 30 mainly technically oriented lectures, for example on scalable and distributed storage systems, cloud and object storage and technologies such as NVMe and NVMe-over-Fabric. One of the thematic priorities is protection of storage systems from ransomware, another storage systems for high performance computing. In addition, Ceph and other open source technologies are again well represented.

The opening keynote on Thursday comes from Stefan Strobel this year. The security specialist advises companies with very high security requirements and uses specific examples to show how malware gets into the company, bypasses security measures there and reaches the central storage and backup systems and which measures can actually prevent an attack.

In the second keynote on Friday, Klaus Gottschalk, HPC architect at ParTec AG, gives an overview of the storage technologies of the world’s fastest supercomputers. In addition to the pure fascination for sheer performance, this also shows where enterprise storage is headed in the future: high-performance computing (HPC) is the test bed in which IT manufacturers test the latest technologies for practicality.

The conference will take place at the NH Hotel Munich East Conference Center. The ticket price includes participation in the evening event and catering during the two conference days. Participants receive reduced rates in the event hotel and some surrounding hotels.

The day before, i.e. on Wednesday, October 12th, the workshop “Object Storage 101: The fastest way to your own Ceph cluster” will take place, in which Ceph and cloud storage specialist Martin Loschwitz will also enable Ceph beginners to create their own Setting up and supervising clusters. There are still a few places available for this workshop as well.

Further information

  • program of storage2day 2022
  • Review of past conferences (2019 Heidelberg and Online 2020/2021)
  • book tickets