Spotify releases 2022 retrospective with the most listened artists, songs and podcasts of the year

Spotify releases 2022 retrospective with the most listened artists, songs and podcasts of the year

Spotify released its 2022 retrospective this Wednesday (30) with the most heard artists in Europe and in the world throughout the year. Platform action is already commonplace, as it also happened in 2021, 2020, 2019 and several other previous years. Similarly, podcast programs also gain prominence on this list.

Most heard artists in Europe in 2022

Marília Mendonça reached the top once again in the ranking of the music streaming application. She already achieved the feat in 2020 and now she has reached the top once again. In 2021, she was in the lead among female artists. The rest of the selection is made up of Henrique & Juliano, Jorge & Mateus, Gusttavo Lima and Maiara & Maraísa.

Most listened songs in Europe in 2022

The “queen of suffering” is also present in this selection, as she participated in “Mal Feito” by the duo Hugo & Guilherme. In sequence, we have: Malvadão 3 (Shaman), Vai La em Casa Hoje (George Henrique & Rodrigo), Wetting the Wheel (Jorge & Mateus) and Dancer (Pedro Sampaio).

Most listened podcasts in Europe in 2022

Back in Europe, the most listened to podcasts have Podpah at the top, which was even the first program to use the video feature on Spotify. Next are “A Mulher da Casa Abandonada” (Chico Felitti), “Mano a Mano” (Mano Brown), “Café da Manhã” (Folha de São Paulo) and “Psychology in Practice”.

Most listened artists in the world in 2022

Globally, the most heard artist was the rapper Bad Bunny, who occupies the first position for the third consecutive year, something unheard of until then. Taylor Swift (#2), Drake (#3), The Weekend (#4) and BTS (#5) make up the ranking among the five that had the most streams in the year.

Starting this Wednesday, platform users can make their own personalized retrospective of the year. You just need to have the latest version of the app to use the feature.