Map that allows you to see the size of the Russian occupation in Ukraine and contrast it with that of other countries

mapa que te permite ver el tamano de la ocupacion rusa en ucrania y contrastarlo con el de otros paises.jpg
mapa que te permite ver el tamano de la ocupacion rusa en ucrania y contrastarlo con el de otros paises.jpg

Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began, a few months ago, we have all been aware of the details of this disastrous event, either through television or social networks.

Thanks to images and videos provided by news agencies, as well as by residents of Ukraine, it has been possible to demonstrate the destruction of cities and towns throughout this territory by Russia, making one only imagine what this tragedy for the people who lived there.

However, it is likely that, despite all the information you have received about this conflict, you do not know how much Russia’s advance into Ukrainian territory has meant. in terms of occupied size.

For this there is a web page where you can find a world map where you can check this situation.

By default, it will initially display the ukraine map with the zone occupied by Russia within this territory overlaid in red, which you can move anywhere in the world by keeping it pressed with the left mouse button.

That way you can get an idea of how much land area would represent that occupation within another country. In the following images you can see the size of occupied Ukraine within countries like Germany and France.

map of russian occupied ukraine on germany

map of russian occupied ukraine over france

Here another one showing the proportion that this occupation would have in a city like New York and its surroundings.

map of russian occupied ukraine over new york

So too, this world map has a search engine in which you can directly enter the name of the country (in English) with which you want to contrast the size of the Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia, so that when you press the Enter button it will already appear superimposed on the country of your choice.

map of russian occupied ukraine on spain

In addition to this, it will be displayed in the box below information that will indicate the size that country possesses with respect to Ukraine and how much percentage it would represent the area occupied by Russia within the nation in question.

After the creation of this map, the DataIsBeautiful community of the Reddit platform is involved, who also obtained information on this conflict from that shared by users recognized as “civic journalists” within the Liveuamap website.