How to cancel a Bizum sent by mistake

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Simplification and comfort in the sending and receiving of money that a platform like Bizum allows, have caused more than 15 million people to regularly use this app in Spain. However, when using it, mistakes can be made. And it is that beyond the recommended precaution to avoid possible tricks and scams through Bizum, the user himself can make a mistake when typing amounts or telephone number and incur in an unwanted shipment.

The reception of the money sent through Bizum occurs almost immediately, in just a few seconds

Typing the wrong amount or entering the wrong number when indicating the recipient’s mobile phone number are blunders that can initially cause a scare and/or annoyance, but fortunately have a solution and do not always end up with sending more money than expected. account or have done it to someone who should not receive it, an event that occurs in just a few seconds, since the receipt of money sent through Bizum is almost immediate.

Finally, it can also happen that the sender of the shipment changes his mind and decides to cancel it. For all these possibilities Bizum, at the moment does NOT have the option to cancel shipments, something that would make more than one avoid a heart problem (depending on the magnitude of the mistake made). So the formulas to reverse the error would be the following:

-Contact the recipient of the shipment: If it is someone you know, the issue could be solved more easily by explaining the error. In the event that the error is not in the amount but in the recipient’s telephone number, the issue is complicated since it depends entirely on the honesty and goodwill of the recipient.

–Contact the bank: Shipments through Bizum are managed by the bank where the user has a current account and most of these entities have (usually even specified on their web pages and/or mobile applications) an option to contact and request the retrocession of the payment made.

In each case there is a different mechanism depending on the bank to carry out the management, either through the app itself, or through a phone number or email address in which to request it. Bizum itself has a website with all the information related to these procedures for all the banks with which it operates.