Google Play Store turns 10 and celebrates with a new logo

google play store turns 10 and celebrates with a new
google play store turns 10 and celebrates with a new

The Google Play Store also has a new logo, as seen for Chrome in recent months: the redesign is not particularly radical, but proportions and colors change a bit in such a way as to ensure greater consistency with what is seen in other software products. The edges of the triangle are a little more rounded, the green is darker, the yellow as well and from blue it goes directly to blue. In short, the same colors found in the search engine logo (and, as we said, many other company software, from Maps to Drive through Gmail and Assistant). We had already spotted it in the past few weeks, but now the change is official.

Google began distributing the new logo on the occasion of the Play’s tenth birthday. In fact, this anniversary has already passed a few months ago, given that the presentation of the service (a significant upheaval compared to the Android Market that we knew up to that moment) dates back to the beginning of March 2012. The company noted that the actual availability of the icon will vary significantly from one market and context to another (e.g. Web version VS Android app).

Compared to 2012, the Play brand has been downsized in a rather important way. Initially Google had launched a number of services (Play Store, Play Music, Play Film and TV, Play Newsstand, Play Books), but to date, in addition to the Store, only Play Books has survived, and it is not impossible to bet that it will not last that long. . At this point, in effect, Google uses more of the term “Play” instead of “Play Store” because it is now impossible for there to be any misunderstandings.

Google is indicating some more initiatives to celebrate Play’s 10th birthday. In the USA, for example, they come from today Play Points increased tenfold accumulated through app purchases, games and in-app content.