Discord begins testing chatbot Clyde and other AI features

Discord begins testing chatbot Clyde and other AI features
1678414719 discord begins testing chatbot clyde and other ai features.jpeg

Discord is now using OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology to turn their Clyde bot into a talking chatbot. Starting next week, he will be able to answer questions and chat with users. Within Discord, AI-generated conversation summaries are also possible, and Discord admins can moderate servers.

The Clyde chatbot will be free for Discord users during a public trial on a very limited number of servers with alpha Discord users.

The chatbot Clyde with artificial intelligence responding on Discord (Image: Disclosure)

Discord users can send direct messages to Clyde to ask questionsand the chatbot can even create new topics in channels to facilitate conversations between groups of friends, but it is not possible to program the robot to make the user respond to conversations for other recipients.

Aware of the problems that other chatbots have already caused, with inaccuracies, offenses and even fake news, the Discord team reinforces the importance of users not blindly trusting the tool. The highlight is that Clyde is experimental and, as such, may bring biased, misleading, harmful or inaccurate information.

New AI conversation summaries on Discord (Image: Disclosure)

While Discord has used a variety of large-scale deep learning models for AutoMod in the past, it now plans to use OpenAI language models to allow AutoMod to more accurately process the context of a message and capture where there is a clear intent to break. server rules.

AutoMod has already blocked over 45 million unwanted messages based on Discord server rules, and AutoMod AI will be available on a limited number of servers starting today. The company’s plans are also to creating a whiteboard for Discord controlled by artificial intelligence and a avatar remix app that allows users to access generative image templates.

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