Company of Heroes 3 advances and shows more of its potential | hands-on

 Company of Heroes 3 advances and shows more of its potential |  hands-on

The game Company of Heroes 3 its launch was postponed, but it registered a series of advances in its development. It now shows the Gela mission in Italy, in addition to the Gazala operation in North Africa – already shown in our previous preview.

And now, how is the creation of the game created by Relic Entertainment and published by SEGA? And what can we expect from it for its launch? TechSmart has experienced yet another build and shows you the advances made so far.

different campaigns

In this new compilation of the game, we were able to test the first two hours of the Italian Dynamic Campaign. Here we find missions in Gela, Calabria and Salerno, with about five turns on the Dynamic Campaign Map in Italy. The beginning takes place in the city of Gela, invaded by the United States on July 9, 1943.

Operation North Africa, on the other hand, also consists of a single-player, but with a more linear narrative and goes through several battles that remained in history, such as Ajdabiya, Tobruk, Gazala and the first of El Alamein.

Images: Disclosure

This is perhaps the main difference between both campaigns. North Africa seeks to be based on history and always acclimate the player well in each fact. Italiana, on the other hand, prioritizes the player’s choices, in a non-linear plot.

And which is the best? It really depends on your preference. If you’re more into having a “roadmap” to follow, fighting for control of Gazala might be your preference. If you prefer a greater interaction with the story itself, the explosive invasion of Gela tends to be your main option.

Image: Disclosure

There will be four factions planned for launch. All were available in the trial period of this new build. The list is composed of Afrika Korps (DAK), British Forces, Wehrmacht and American Forces (US Forces).

new systems

the game Company of Heroes 3 brings some new features compared to its predecessor. Among them are the tactical pause – Full Tactical Pause –, a feature in which you stop game time to organize your actions, which will be performed as soon as you resume the period.

You can still enjoy a campaign map more than once. The tool will not limit the player to an experience in the same environment, with the option to play again and change their decisions.

The average campaign time will go from 15 hours to CoH 2 to over 40 total hours on the third title. Additionally, unique quests have also been expanded from 14 to 41 options.

overall experience

During the game, we noticed once again a great potential for CoH 3 to attract the audience that enjoys a good adventure game. It manages to set the player well, whether in the plot of the story or in the graphic elements that represent references to the period in which it is located – such as the African desert or Italian buildings.

This second campaign in Italy gives a new perspective to the franchise, which has always stuck to a linear narrative – like Operation North Africa – by placing the player’s decisions at the center of events, to give greater interactivity to events and preferences. player.

Among the new features, we highlight the tactical pause as fundamental in campaigns. In some moments of the game, you are pressured by the opposing troops and you need to take a moment to reorganize your fighters, in order to be more efficient to defend yourself while trying to advance in the territory.


Company of Heroes 3 it was scheduled to be released in November 2022. However, the developer explained that the feedback received by players in the previous testing phases showed that they were still not where they wanted to be.

Therefore, the launch was postponed and is now scheduled to happen only in 2023. In the meantime, pre-orders are already open for the game, with the Devil’s Brigade DLC package and legendary skins for infantry, vehicles and other cosmetics from legendary level in the launch edition.

What are your expectations for the new CoH 3? Tell us in the comments section!

*We are grateful to Theogames for giving this new build to TechSmart for the Hands-on.