Carnival coup: Nubank is not giving R$ 500 via WhatsApp

Carnival coup: Nubank is not giving R$ 500 via WhatsApp
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Any holiday or party is the occasion for scammers on duty to prepare new ways to deceive inattentive users on networks, especially on platforms like WhatsApp, where it is possible to send false messages that deceive victims and guarantee data, money or even device invasion. Now, in this week of preparations for Carnival 2023, scammers are spreading the message that Nubank is giving no less than R$500 to customers to celebrate this holiday.

If the message got there, know now that it is a liar. Check out:

“Hello, You are participating in Nubank’s Special Carnival Prize. Answer the questions below correctly and win up to R$500.00 in cash! There are 242 gifts left. Question 1 of 4: Are you already a Nubank customer? YES/NO. Question 2 of 4: How often do you buy our products? EVERY DAY/EVERY WEEK/EVERY MONTH/EVERY YEAR Question 3 of 4: What is your age range? 18-29/30-39/40-49/50+ Question 4 of 4: Would you recommend Nubank to your friends? YES/NO”.

The message carries an urgent plea for the user not to pay attention to the problems in the message. There is also, in addition to a random questionnaire, a link to leave answers and get the supposed release of money. But in fact the address forwards the user to a Russian domain.

After the questionnaire, the user will also have to choose the correct one from several boxes, out of a total of 3 attempts. Finally, as is common in this type of scam, the user is encouraged to forward the message to win R$400 in R$100 bills. “1. You must tell 5 groups or 20 friends about our promotions. 2. Enter your address and complete the registration. OK”, says the scam message.

With this, criminals can receive confidential user data to perpetrate more intrusions in the future, compromising profiles, accounts and devices.

Prevention tips range from checking official sources, understanding the most common scam formats, not providing verification codes or confidential and potentially dangerous information in promotions.