Bard: Google presents rival artificial intelligence service to ChatGPT

Bard: Google presents rival artificial intelligence service to ChatGPT
bard google presents rival artificial intelligence service to chatgpt.jpeg

The red alert launched by ChatGPT, from Open AI, is already sounding by most big techs, afraid of the effects that the chatbot with artificial intelligence is causing. No wonder, on Monday, Google introduced Bard, an experimental conversational AI service to rival the technology that can be integrated into Microsoft’s Bing.

The news was announced by the company’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, who points out that the service intends to answer user questions and also promote conversations. For now, the novelty will be restricted to some test users, but should reach the general public in the coming weeks.

The company hasn’t detailed all the AI ​​capabilities, but the chabot is expected to be as diverse as its competition. Big tech showed sample questions for the service, such as practical questions about how to plan a baby shower or what kind of meals can be made from a specific list of ingredients.

“Bard can be an outlet for creativity and a launchpad for curiosity, helping you explain new discoveries from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to a 9-year-old, or learn more about football’s best strikers in the moment and then train to develop your skills”, writes the CEO.

Bard relies on information from the web to provide fresh answers, suggesting that the system will constantly be updated with new data. Google must be running after the loss now that ChatGPT has been made available for free on the internet, generating the most different reactions and utilities from the automatic generation of texts —from school work to the writing of sentences in courts.

But another big impact that AI can have is on established search engines, who knows, maybe even changing the rules of the current game. In parallel, Microsoft already invests billions in Open AI, ensuring that the company’s products and services are hosted in the company’s cloud. In Google’s announcement, there is also mention of the inclusion of technologies such as LaMDA to improve search systems.