Zoom Chat changes its name and is now called ‘Zoom Team Chat’, but no news

Zoom Chat changes its name and is now called 'Zoom Team Chat', but no news
zoom chat changes its name and is now called zoom.jpeg

The growth of the home office and distance learning boosted the development of platforms for videoconferencing such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Zoom during the pandemic. The popularity of these services has continued even after the return to work and face-to-face teaching, indicating that video calling is likely to remain on the rise for years to come.

Last Monday (12), the company released a statement in which it reveals the change in the name of the application from “Zoom Chat” to “Zoom Team Chat”, a subtle change that reinforces the use of the service by teams and “helps users to distinguish what a complete collaborative hub product is all about,” explained Sharvari Nerurkar, Head of Zoom Team Chat.

According to the developer, the purpose of Zoom Team Chat is to be a remote work platform in which employees can work simultaneously on video calls or using interactive chat to discuss team issues, whether in remote or hybrid mode.

In its official blog, the company states that 95% of employees agree that messaging services are important for those in a virtual environment, while 90% of respondents reported using a messaging app daily to facilitate organization during work hours.

“Team Chat goes beyond instant messaging. It’s a powerful collaboration hub that leverages 1:1 and group chats, as well as channels to integrate workflows, keep projects on track and connect stakeholders,” explains the company.

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