Mozilla releases Firefox version 107 with performance improvements and fixes

Mozilla releases Firefox version 107 with performance improvements and fixes

THE mozilla released this week version 107 dO firefox with some improvements. The new browser build added optimizations for performance monitoring on Intel processors and some fixes for Linux.

the tool of Firefox native performance monitoring is available to users since version 104 of the browser to Windows 11 and Apple M1 chips. The feature shows processing details in greater depth.

The news is that the functionality now has an integration with Intel processors🇧🇷 The tool helps the user to understand what sucks the most processing while browsing or to observe battery power consumption on websites.

To access the d tabthe performance monitoring Firefox, just go to the c menuIn the top right corner of the screen, select “More Tools” > “Web Development Tools”. Then just choose the type of analysis and start monitoring.

Graphs and numbers obtained during will be shown in a new browser tab. Another highlight is that Firefox 107 improves performance when Windows IME and Defender pull a URL for a given document on Windows 22H2.

On the Linux system, the update solves bugs in the extensions toolbar and window resizing. Finally, it is worth mentioning that Mozilla gradually transfers Firefox updates to all browser users.

If the browser is not automatically updated, the user can also perform a manual check by going to Menu > Help > About Firefox.

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