Wikipedia will stop receiving donations in cryptocurrencies

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The physical infrastructure behind cryptocurrency mining has called into question the environmental impact of payment systems like bitcoin and the like.

In the midst of this discussion, the Wikimedia Foundation, the organization behind Wikipedia, chose to stop receiving donations in cryptocurrencies, after a discussion that lasted three months.

The Wikimedia Foundation temporarily closes the doors to cryptocurrencies

In tune with a debate that is beginning to settle around the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies, the Wikimedia Foundation community determined the end of receiving donations in cryptocurrencies, in a discussion which involved nearly 400 of its members, excluding new accounts and unregistered users.

With 232 votes in favor versus 94 against, 71.17% of the universe of voters supported the proposal to no longer accept cryptocurrencies.

This decision and the discussion around it, has its origin in a proposal presented by Molly White, a collaborator of the foundation, who within the community identifies herself as GorillaWarfare.

Part of White’s speech states that accepting donations in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, bitcoin cash and ether is interpreted as a sign of support for this class of digital currencies. The downside of validating this means of payment, according to what has been proposed, is that a signal is presented that is not aligned with the commitment to environmental sustainability signed by the foundation.

Currently, the technology with which cryptocurrencies are promoted are considered polluting agents. Its high fuel and energy consumption, has been estimated in proportions similar to the consumption of an entire country.

The promoter of this initiative also argued that, under the current context, Wikipedia risked damaging its reputation by accepting donations in cryptocurrencies.

Following in the footsteps of Mozilla

It should be remembered that in January, the Mozilla Foundation took a similar determination, pausing the receipt of donations in cryptocurrencies, while evaluating the use of greener alternatives. Without going too far, White cited this decision as a reference.

Like its foundation peers after Firefox, the Wikimedia Foundation has left the door open to reconsider these types of payment methods, as long as they are aligned with its ecological codes.

Currently, there are known efforts from cryptocurrency mining to counteract its criticized negative effects on the environment, through the use of sustainable energy sources in its mining operations. However, since this change has not yet occurred in large volume, its effects are still not significant in the face of the environmental claims of the aforementioned foundations.