Usually $670, this pet hair-friendly robot vacuum is $200

bobsweep bob pethair robot vacuum and mop.jpeg
bobsweep bob pethair robot vacuum and mop.jpeg

iRobot’s Roomba is the most popular name when shoppers look for robot vacuum deals, but you should give other brands a chance — especially when there are huge discounts attached to their products. For example, you can get the bObsweep Bob PetHair robot vacuum and mop for a very affordable $200, for savings of $470 on its original price of $670. You only have until the end of the day to get this cleaning device through this special offer though, so don’t waste time thinking about it.

Why you should buy the bObsweep Bob PetHair

Everyone loves their pets, but you can’t escape the fact that their hair gets everywhere. The bObsweep Bob PetHair robot vacuum and mop is designed to help in maintaining the clean floors of pet-loving homes, with an extra long main brush picking up hair, dust, and dirt while a spinning side brush focuses on the surfaces along the walls and corners. The robot vacuum adjusts to all types of floors, including tiles and carpets, while a triple-layer filter and supplemental UV-C light keeps your family protected from harmful particles and pathogens. It also features dirt detection sensors that make the robot vacuum increase intensity upon contact with stubborn dirt and debris, and edge detection so that it won’t fall down the stairs and ledges.

The bObsweep Bob PetHair robot vacuum and mop keeps everything that it picks up in its large dustbin, and afterwards, it can continue cleaning with its microfiber mop that can polish hard floors. Like the best robot vacuums, it will return to its charging station when its battery gets low, and once it’s ready, you can use its remote control to determine its next cleaning task.

Any home will benefit from adding the bObsweep Bob PetHair robot vacuum and mop to their cleaning arsenal, whether you have pets or not. You can get it for $200 today, as Best Buy has slashed its sticker price of $670 by $470. Once the deal ends, we’re not sure when it will return, so it’s highly recommended that you purchase the bObsweep Bob PetHair robot vacuum and mop right now.

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