The new YouTube feature will allow you to make a live broadcast with another user


YouTube will soon add a new feature that will allow you to do a live broadcast together with a guest.

In an initial stage, it will only be available to a select group of creators, but the YouTube team is already letting us see how this dynamic will work.

YouTube will allow you to invite any user who has a channel to broadcast with you

YouTube wants to give creators more possibilities with a new feature, which will allow them to invite another user, to share a live broadcast together. This new feature is called “Go Live Together” and will be available at launch only to a group of creators, although it will be extended to more users over time.

Unlike the new Twitch dynamic, which allows you to invite up to 5 users on a live stream, the YouTube feature will only give you the ability to invite one person.

Of course, the creator will be able to have as many guests as they want during the live broadcast using this tool, but it will only be possible to have one guest at a time. And another detail to keep in mind is that the dynamics of this function can only be implemented from the YouTube mobile app, so you won’t find it in the desktop version.

That is, they will be able to schedule the broadcast together with the guest from the desktop version, but the live can only be done from the mobile. And the dynamic is very simple. It will only be necessary to open the app, click on “Create” and choose the “Go Live Together” option.

Once all the transmission data is completed, we must go on to invite our guest user through a link. When the user clicks on the link, they will go to a waiting room so that you can give them permission to join the broadcast.

And once you give the appropriate permissions, you’ll see their broadcast scroll by at the bottom of the screen, as shown in the image above.