Stop OneDrive from backing up your files in Windows 11

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One of the things that can be done by combining OneDrive with a Windows 11 computer is to make backup copies automatically (this can even be done without the user knowing, depending on the configuration that they have). If you want this action not to be carried out, we will tell you the steps you have to take to achieve it in a simple and safe way. As is logical, at Microsoft they have thought about this possibility… but the tool to make backup copies of files and folders is not exactly in a very intuitive place, so you have to navigate through the different menus that the OneDrive client has for Windows. And, so that you do not have to go from one place to another -and waste the corresponding time-, we are going to show you what you have to do so that in just a couple of minutes and with the PC turned on you can end this automatic action . Steps so that OneDrive does not make automatic backup copies Ideally, stop the processes we are talking about, since with this action they are not executed at any time (and going further, you can reduce the effectiveness of the Microsoft cloud service). Therefore, this is the action that you will do if you follow the instructions that we show you below: Click on the OneDrive icon that you have in the Windows Toolbar and a pop-up window is displayed in which you have to tap the gear-shaped icon.Among the options you now see on the screen, select Settings (or Settings, depending on which version of OneDrive you’re using), and then select the Backup tab. You will now see a window in which you have to click on the Manage backup button. You enter the interface for selecting folders and files to be backed up, in Windows 11. And, in each of the assets, you will see that there is a link that says Stop backups. Click on all the ones you want to stop running. Confirm in the prompt window that appears. Once you have reached this step, you are done. If at any given time you want automatic backups to be activated on OnePlus, follow the same instructions, but now you simply have to redo the process stop in the last window. Everything you will do in Windows 11 is that simple. >