Spotify announces Anchor feature for Audio Enhancement in podcasts

Spotify announces Anchor feature for Audio Enhancement in podcasts

O Spotify announced this Monday (21) a new function that aims to improve the sound quality in podcasts through the app anchor🇧🇷 At first, the function Audio Enhancement serves to eliminate noise present in the file and this is independent of the devices used by users to record.

All you have to do is tap the “improve” after recording is finished. This way, the application will be in charge of removing background noises and will even level the voices at medium volume. THE anchor made a point of publicizing the new feature through a video posted on youtube🇧🇷

With that, Anchor promises to give a more professional look to the podcasters who use the app to record their episodes. Furthermore, as it relies on activation via a button, it won’t be difficult for beginners to achieve a satisfactory result using the tool.

Recently, Spotify started testing a new billing service for those who use the application on android🇧🇷 Likewise, the app streaming of music received an update that changed its interface in apple watch🇧🇷 Now, the new function can add quality to those who create content for the platform.

According to Anchor, the new tool is now available to all users around the world. Therefore, those who make their productions from now on will already have access to the resource within the application.

And you, what do you think of the audio enhancement? If you have already used it, leave in the comments if the result obtained was satisfactory or not.

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