New Beta Update on Steam Client Adds New Features and Improvements

New Beta Update on Steam Client Adds New Features and Improvements
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A new beta update on the Steam client was released today (28), bringing many improvements to the experience of using the platform on Desktop, as well as new features, such as overhaul tools revised with many very interesting features.

Along with some big changes that aren’t immediately visible that allow for faster implementation and iteration of new features, and some smaller ones that bring visual and usability improvements, the new Steam client beta update brings some significant changes to the game overlay such as the introduction of a new toolbar that gives players quick access to everything they need during gameplay, such as chatting with friends, progressing towards achievements, and much more.

The Game Overview feature is also part of the revised overlay, showing your achievements in progress, which of your friends are also playing, the most popular guides, the latest news and more.

The Notes app is also a great new addition that allows players to take notes about the game that is currently being played.

New additions to the new client overlay also now allow players to pin overlay windows to display during gameplay. With an adjustable opacity level, you can have windows for Notes, Guides, Discussions, and even the web browser at your fingertips.

The client update also brings changes to notifications, a new screenshot manager, the ability to enable hardware acceleration on Mac and Linux for better performance and a more responsive UI, and much more.

To see the full details, click here.

So, what do you think of these new features on Steam?