In Portuguese! Apple Music and TV apps get new languages ​​on Windows

 In Portuguese!  Apple Music and TV apps get new languages ​​on Windows
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the apps apple tv, Apple Music It is Apple Devices now support the Portuguese language on Windows. The action is part of the apple measure, which deals with a process of itunes replacement for these applications. However, the apps are still in the testing phase on the company’s operating system. Microsoft.

Even so, all of them are already available in the OS store for those who use the Windows 11. This update is the first that happens since the apps were added to the Store. Previously, the only supported language was English, but now it supports 37 languages many different.

Despite the almost five waits since iTunes began to be ‘dismembered’ in Mac OS, the update also brings support for more regions besides the United States. This way, you no longer need to change your region in Windows when using any of these applications on your system.

In the case of Apple Music, the update also brings new features for those who use the service. For example, users can have access to view the properties of songs that are not saved in the library, as well as the possibility to create and edit smart playlists, in addition to creating playlist folders.

Despite having arrived with interesting news, both the music app and the other services still experience bugs, as it is something that is still in the testing phase. Likewise, basic features such as the ability to view song lyrics on Apple Music are still lacking. Therefore, the functionalities must be improved over time.

More about Apple: see also the details about the production of 3-nanometer chips for apple devices.

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