Google launches new tool to improve multilingual app availability

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While developers of mobile applications for Android systems can make their applications available in multiple languages, Google is now adding a possibility for those who release their applications in only one language to think about it to save time and cost.

Through the Google for Games Summit, Google has announced the arrival of free automatic translations for Android, arriving for now in early access mode for those developers who want to try this new service.

The fastest option to have apps in multiple languages

The idea is that developers upload the text strings of their applications in the original language to later download the text strings in the selected languages, currently supporting some seven languages, including Spanish.

This means that in a short time, developers will no longer have excuses for offering their applications in different languages, even if machine translations cannot offer the same level of quality as traditional translations.

This will benefit both developers, by being able to reach a much broader global audience, similar to what happens with dubbing on YouTube, and Android application users, by having a greater number of mobile applications available on their own language, having among more options to choose.

Google, once again, breaking down language barriers

Google itself also benefits, which in the face of so much competition in the application market, with a multitude of alternatives to go to, although at its own expense and risk, will make its mobile application platform the most complete and inclusive of all. the Android ecosystem.

It is already a matter of the new function maturing so that in the near future it will be available to all developers, with the possibility that the translations will be carried out by the same engine that drives the company’s translation service.

What is not known is what will be the viability of the traditional platforms that have been used to date for selfless people to translate the applications and services of their favorite platforms that allow the collaboration of third parties in their improvement.