Facebook wants to eliminate fake reviews with these new measures


Meta continues to take further steps to root out false information on Facebook. Not only with news and advertisements, but with any content that tries to deceive users.

In a latest update, Meta has focused on product reviews that are shared on the platform, to eliminate false or irrelevant reviews for users.

Facebook will remove reviews of products and services that do not add value

In a previous article, we told you about the new forms of monetization that Meta announced for the creators of Instagram and Facebook. But it is not the only novelty that the Meta team has announced.

They also shared an update on one of the community comment policies, which aims to eradicate fake Facebook reviews. At the moment, this update is only in force in the United States, but it lets us see the new strategy of Meta so that users do not fall for false reviews:

The new policy was created to ensure reviews are based on real shopping experiences and to keep irrelevant, fraudulent and offensive reviews off our platforms.

So any review that is spam, irrelevant or manipulative will be removed. The idea is that the reviews of products or services that are left in the comments reflect the real shopping experience, and do not belong to comments that are purchased or that bring about some unjustified benefit, for example, a refund.

To guarantee this new dynamic, it will use its automated system and its team of moderators. And of course, users will also find options to report any reviews that are violating Facebook’s new policy. A dynamic that companies or brands can also implement if they come across a false review of their products or services.