Back to the past! Program brings classic Windows 95 design to Windows 11

 Back to the past!  Program brings classic Windows 95 design to Windows 11

O Windows 11 was arrived with several changes in its design and interface compared to the previous version. However, not all users are happy with the modern style and nostalgic people speak proudly of earlier variants of the Microsoft🇧🇷

Often mentioned by nostalgic people, the design of the Windows 95 is the favorite of many users of the system to this day. In view of this, the software developer Stardock presented a new version of the WindowBlinds 11 program to meet this desire.

The latest version of WindowBlinds 11 from Stardock allows the user to feel like they are running Windows 95 on their machine but using Windows 11 or 10 as a base. The software only customizes the appearance of the PC.

Classic Windows Theme makes all window frames, taskbar and other operating system elements look like the older OS version, in addition, other themes can be purchased from the Stardock marketplace.

By combining the Start11 program and WindowBlinds 11, the Stardock promises that the user will have an even more immersive experience. With both software together, the Start menu, taskbar and window frames can be customized to a matching theme.

The same update that adds the classic Windows theme includes some bug fixes that address issues with the Fences UI and dark mode images. Interested parties can access the program website and buy the application.

And you, do you prefer the classic style or the current one? Tell us in the comments down below!