WhatsApp agrees with users: it will allow you to edit sent messages

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Since the beginning of the year 2022, a very important change has been detected in the WhatsApp messaging application. It listens to the demands of users and this leads it to launch improvements more constantly. Some spend some time in the test version, it is true, but they make it clear that there is constant work. And, today, it has become known that the firm is working on something highly anticipated by those who use the app: editing the messages that have been sent. This is something that is already offered in a large number of developments that are direct competition for WhatsApp, such as Telegram, and it does not make much sense that in these times this possibility is not offered to change a name that is not correct or correct a typo that has been written due to misuse of the smartphone keyboard, for example. Hopefully this means that the rigidity in the messages sent from the application is going to be reduced, something that will be most desirable. The data that we have of this improvement of WhatsApp The data arrives through a screenshot that has been published, and it is explanatory enough to know in a fairly exact way how the editing of messages in which they are editing in WhatsApp will work. You will press continuously on the one you want to change and, then, a contextual menu will appear as usual in the app. But, yes, there will be a new option apart from obtaining information or a copy of the content: Edit. Come on, as they say, bench and bottled. Once it is finished, the information will be saved and this will be how the interlocutors see the message. At the moment it is not known if a message will be left indicating to everyone that an edition has been made, but knowing WhatsApp that today leaves a trace when you make a deletion, it is normal for this to be the case. But, the really important thing is that the decision has finally been made to allow this… something that we must not forget that it was quite close to happening back in 2017. And it has rained, right? Its arrival is not imminent This is the negative side of everything that has been known, since it is quite clear that work needs to be done to optimize the operation of message editing. What’s more, there is only a screenshot, because the option has not yet reached the test channel that WhatsApp has. With this information, the normal thing is that it takes at least a month to have the beta version of the app and, therefore, its landing in the stable one takes a little longer (hopefully this is a possibility for everyone before the end of the year). Consequently, this is good news… but you have to be patient to enjoy it. >