The best tricks to play Minecraft


Minecraft It is one of the most downloaded mobile games, among other reasons, thanks to the impressive number of construction tasks that can be carried out and its vast open world.

Due to its numerous updates, Minecraft has become quite a complex game.

However, these main features of Minecraft in some cases can become overwhelming for many beginning players. Fortunately, there is nothing to worry about, since with the following tricks you will become a great player. So much so that you can even test your skills in the extreme mode of Minecraft.

Tricks to succeed playing Minecraft

– Collect as much lava as you can: Use buckets and collect as much lava as possible, as this is the best fuel you can find in the game. For example, lava is great to use in the furnace, it’s definitely much better than wood and coal. In addition, this is an essential material for making obsidian, one of the most difficult blocks to obtain.

– Build near mushroom biomes: Mushroom Biomes are hands down the safest place to build a base. It’s because this is the only biome where hostile mobs don’t spawn at night.

– Use doors underwater: To immerse yourself in the water it is recommended that you take a door with you. This is an extremely useful trick, since by placing the door on a block you will create a bubble that will allow you to prolong your breathing underwater.

– Pumpkin head as protection: Beyond being a flashy outfit, a pumpkin head can also become a key combat item. It turns out that the Endermen only attack those who make eye contact with them. Therefore, with a pumpkin head you will prevent these kinds of enemies from trying to fight you, even if you attack them.

– Cats are good pets: More than a cute pet, a cat in Minecraft can also be a great ally. This is because the Creepers are afraid of cats. Consequently, the more kitties you have around the house, the better your chances of avoiding explosive surprises when growing or building.

– Build a Golem: It is one of the best alternatives to protect your house, since the Golems are strong and durable. To create one you will only need to stack iron blocks to form a T. Once you summon it, the Golem will defend your plot from the hostiles.