The 5 biggest changes in the latest Windows 11 update

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Windows 11 is the latest version of the operating system from Microsoft, which offers an improved user experience and faster performance. This operating system includes new features such as a modern user interface, compatibility with mobile devices and many security improvements. However, to make efficient use of it, you should keep in mind that you have to update it from time to time. Maintaining an up-to-date operating system is essential to ensure that your computer works properly and is protected from potential threats. Updates include security patches to address known issues and performance improvements. Also, it is important to note that many programs and applications require an updated version of Windows to function properly. In fact, the latest Windows 11 update has brought a lot of changes that you should know about. Clipchamp Clipchamp is the new video editor for Windows 11. Basically, it is the heir to the classic Windows Movie Maker. However, it is a considerably improved version, with the simplest functions when it comes to editing videos: Timeline Editing line Direct upload to social networks (YouTube, TikTok, etc.) Web storage service The menu folders Do you know the folders that you have on the desktop of the smartphone? Well, exactly the same, but in the Windows 11 Start menu. One of the best ways to keep everything organized and at hand, and taking into account how much we depend on mobile phones… The convenience is practically identical. The new Notepad Windows 11 has not been satisfied with including its Notepad, but has also given it a very interesting renovation. For example, it is now able to put on a kind of “dark mode” depending on the color settings you have customized. It is also expected that it will eventually have tabs like a web browser, but that tool is not yet implemented. Tabs in File Explorer Finally, Windows 11 brings an update to File Explorer and we now have tabs available in this management tool. But how can it be opened? You just have to click on the “+” button at the top and use the tabs in the same way as you would in Google Chrome or any other browser. What’s new in Snap Bar The Snap Bar was one of the great implementations in the latest updates to the operating system. However, now it is easier than ever to use it in Windows 11. At first glance, you have a lot of possibilities to navigate through the open tabs on different desktops, in an orderly way and even with the possibility of closing, minimizing or maximizing them. In addition, you have different aesthetic designs to organize all of them. >