Snapchat Plus reaches 2 million subscribers worldwide

Snapchat Plus reaches 2 million subscribers worldwide
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Snapchat Plus hit the 2 million subscriber mark in less than a year after rolling out the feature to the entire social network user community, reveals a recent report. This modality offers access to features exclusive to payers, such as the possibility of leaving stories on the air for longer and other extra functions.

This benefit was rolled out to a very limited number of countries, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. According to the developer, the success of the paid plan is due to the various benefits offered to subscribers.

In the United States the service can be purchased at a monthly cost of US$ 3.99, about R$ 20.25 in direct conversion to Europeian currency without adding taxes. Initially, Snapchat became popular due to animated filters released for free by the company a few years ago, however, the platform has lost some of its popularity with the advancement of rivals.

For now, there is still no forecast for the launch of Snapchat + in Europe. The statement released by the company does not reveal more details about the application’s performance in recent months.

In the last quarter of 2022 Snapchat announced some news for users, such as support for Windows 10 and 11 operating systems in the Microsoft Store, in addition to the possibility of presenting friends with the social network’s premium subscription in the form of a gift card.

Snapchat mobile app. (Image: Playback).
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Do you still use Snapchat or do you prefer other social networks? Tell us, comment!