Shazam now shows songs that Siri identifies in iOS Control Center

Shazam now shows songs that Siri identifies in iOS Control Center
1665075134 shazam now shows songs that siri identifies in ios control.jpeg

Shazam has received a new update that shows all songs identified by Siri in Control Center. This is only available for those who use Apple systems in the most current versions, ie iPad OS or iOS 16. The application has recently introduced several new features for Mac users.

Apple made the purchase of the app that can identify the songs in 2018 and since then it has continued to update the program. One of the first was the removal of ads and she went on to add various functions. However, even with an Android version, not all features arrived for Google’s operating system.

In the version for Apple devices, all songs that Siri identifies will appear both in the Shazam library and in the recognition history, which can be accessed through the Control Center of the manufacturer’s software. This is part of the integration that the system assistant has with the music application.

Thanks to this attribute, it’s not even necessary to open the app to try to find out what song is playing. Just call Siri and she does all the rest of the work for the user through the command: “Hey Siri, what song is that?”. Another possible way is through the Control Center, just by touching the button that leads to the application.

To check the history, all you have to do is hold down the shortcut button, something that has only been added recently. As for the results obtained by the assistant, nothing appeared on this page and with the new update, this should not happen anymore.

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