Additionally, people can customize combinations to find the comfort they want, according to the functions they use the most or the movements that are easiest for them to perform, also being a form of accessibility.
How to activate shortcuts in Gmail
Before looking at what the recommended commands are, it is important to activate them first. For this you must open gmail in the web browser and go to the ‘Settings’ option, which is in the upper right corner.
Once there you have to go to ‘See all settings’ and go down until you reach the ‘Key combinations’ section. In this section, choose the ‘enable’ option and then click ‘Save changes’ so that everything is ready.
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How to easily activate and customize email shortcuts.
Shortcuts for Gmail
quick navigation
– g + a: go to all
– g+c: go to Contacts
– g+d: go to Drafts
– g+i: go to inbox
– g+t: go to Sent
-g+k: go to Tasks
– G+s: go to Featured Conversations
– g+b: go to postponed conversations
– g+l: go to the search for labels (labels)
– g+n: go next page
– g+p: go next page
– or: return to conversation list
– k: most recent conversation
– J: previous conversation
– ` : go to the next section of Received
– ~ : go to the previous section of Received
– / : search mail
– Enter: open conversation
– . : open the More Actions menu
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How to easily activate and customize email shortcuts.
reading messages
x: select conversation
A: reply
Shift + r (capital r): reply in a new window
to: Answer everyone
shift + a (uppercase a): reply to all in a new window
and: file
F: Resend
Shift + f (capital f): forward in a new window
me: mute the conversation
n: next message (in a conversation
Q: previous message
s: spotlight/navigate among superstars
z: undo last action
!: report as spam
#: eliminate
b: postpone
v: open the Move To menu
him: Mark as read
(eat): change cursor to toolbar
+: mark as important (you can also use “+”)
-(less): mark as not important
;: show everything
:: Hide all
_ (low bar): mark as unread the messages from the selected one
[: eliminar etiqueta e ir a la siguiente conversación
]: delete tag and go to previous conversation
Shift + I (capital i): Mark as read
Shift + U (uppercase u): Mark as unread
Shift + N (capital n): update the conversation
Shift + T (capital t): add the conversation to Tasks
How to customize commands
In case these shortcuts are not comfortable to use, there is a way to change them to suit each one. For that you must go to ‘Settings’ in the mail.
After being there, look for the ‘See all settings’ section, then click on ‘Advanced’ and finally on ‘Custom key combinations’.
You must save the changes, close the tab and reopen gmail to go back to Settings> See all settings> Key combinations and make the desired changes there.