Google TV, significant performance improvements on the way

google tv, significant performance improvements on the way
google tv, significant performance improvements on the way


In the past few hours, Google has posted a rather full-bodied post on its official support forum to summarize the improvements, especially performancemade in recent months to its latest smart TV operating system, Google TV, and to indicate which ones will arrive in the short term.

This is good news for owners of devices equipped with such a system, such as the latest generation Chromecast and Sony Z9K, but at the same time it can also be considered as an admission that the performance was not adequate – and perhaps it can help explain the bizarre strategy adopted so far by the company to carry on the old systemAndroid TV, even on new devices, instead of focusing only on the newest.

In any case, we summarize the main innovations; unfortunately, as often happens, Google is rather vague with the timing and methods of release of each single feature, however where there are details we indicate them:

  • Performance

    • Reduced startup times through CPU optimization and improved cache management. The distribution has already begun and “in time” will arrive on all devices.
    • Improved responsiveness when navigating the For You tab and switching to other tabs
    • Reduced loading times for the For You tab and the Live tab
    • Reduction of the RAM consumed by the system so playback should be a little more stable and the interface should move a little faster.
    • Child Profiles: Optimized image caching technology to reduce profile loading time and eliminated latency between opening the profile and launching an app
  • Archiving

    • Tool in Settings to free up space. Already available on the new Chromecasts and coming soon to televisions with Google TV.
    • Improvements to managing the app installation process that should reduce the number of storage-related errors.
    • Background process that automatically frees up space [immaginiamo, ma non è spiegato, che rimuova periodicamente cache e file temporanei].
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