Exclusive to subscribers: Twitter Blue gets a new tab for Spaces on Android

Exclusive to subscribers: Twitter Blue gets a new tab for Spaces on Android
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Twitter Blue subscribers received a new tab with easy access to podcasts and Spaces on iOS and now this news is also coming to those who use the Android app. The announcement of the novelty was made today by the official Twitter Blue account.

As we can see in the image below, the new tab is in the center of the iOS app, so we believe it follows the same layout in the Android app.

In the new tab, users will find podcasts with different themes, live and recorded Spaces for subscribers to enjoy everything to the fullest. Unfortunately, Twitter did not reveal in which languages ​​the novelty will be available, as it is limited to English on iOS for now.

Image: Twitter

Twitter Blue subscribers also have access to other functions such as sending high quality images and videos, custom icons, the option to return sent tweets and, soon, the ability to edit tweets, a feature highly requested by the app’s users.

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