It’s a big day for WhatsApp users on iPhone. This weekend, Meta began rolling out the app update that finally brings Picture in Picture mode to iOS. On the other hand, it is not yet known when the feature will be available for all Android users, while it has been tested for more than a year now.
Meta promised it, Meta did it. Last December, Mark Zuckerberg’s firm announced the arrival of picture-in-picture mode for video calls on iOS for 2023, without giving a precise date. In the end, it was not necessary to wait very long, since the official deployment started this weekend with all the users concerned.
For the past few days, users have been receiving WhatsApp version 23.3.77 in waves on their iPhones, which finally brings PiP mode to the general public. In beta for several months now, all those who have made the update can now go about their business on their smartphone while making a video call with a loved one.
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The picture-in-picture mode finally arrives in the iOS version of WhatsApp
As a reminder, the PiP mode allows you to reduce the size of the video and pin it somewhere on your screen, without it taking up all the space. In this way, it is possible to continue to use your smartphone while viewing the video in question, in this case, here, the face of your correspondent during a call. Note that you may have to wait a few more days before you can download WhatsApp version 23.3.77.
This update doesn’t just bring PiP mode to the iPhone. Other features are also arriving, such as adding captions to attachments or even creating an avatar. For Android users, finally, the question is still in the dark. The feature has been in testing since 2021, but Meta has yet to give any news on its mainstream rollout. Patience, therefore.