The simple Instagram action to capture audio from movies and television series for your Reels

instagram stories introduces exciting new feature
instagram stories introduces exciting new feature

Instagram was updated a few days ago to allow the upload of content that only your closest friends will see. Now it has just announced the arrival of another update to the social network so that movie audio can even be included for the Reels. That is, from the new Clip Hub you can access audio from TV series and movies .

Apart from this novelty, Instagram brings with it a series of very striking features in the new update. What is striking is the new ability of Reels to edit specific clips in order to perform actions such as zoom, trim , rotate, undo edits or even redo them. New fonts are also included to highlight the texts included in the Reels.

But what stands out openly is the ability to add audio clips from movies, TV series or even the user’s own audio. Through the new  Clip Hub  you can add these clips with audio to a Reel. In fact, you can also remix these Reels by inviting friends to make their own mix. It is done like this:

  • This new option appears when a new reel is created .
  • Appears just to the right: Clip Hub .
  • Press it and from here you can extract audio clips from TV series, movies or the user’s own.

If this Clip Hub function is not yet available, it is recommended to visit the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to update Instagram to the latest version. It is one of its biggest new features, so it may take a few hours or days for it to be available.

Instagram has also added 10 new voices for the text-to-speech function , these are in English, although at least it has included six new fonts available in different languages ​​as it is supposed to be in Spanish. Added to the new video editing options for Reels, Instagram now becomes more flexible to redo or even go back to a draft for when inspiration disappears when creating a Reel.

Finally, custom stickers are also included , dedicated to reels or stories, allowing you to take parts of a photo or video to create unique ones. An important update for the social network in its mobile apps, which also includes new performance statistics to measure the Reels and Stories that are uploaded daily on the social network owned by Meta.


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