The Most Intelligent And Precise Way To Sharpen Images In Photoshop

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fstoppers smartest way to sharpen images.jpg

With the multiple methods of sharpening in Photoshop, a big issue is that many of them are applied globally without any consideration to edges and areas with varying level of per-existing sharpness. The result of these techniques can enhance issues of fringing or inconsistent results across the image. This method by Michael Woloszynowicz is by far the most intelligent method I’ve seen so far. 

It gives importance to areas of texture while considering the fidelity of the edges in the image. Fortunately, even though the technique requires a few steps to complete, Michael has an action which you can check out here. It will work on Photoshop CS3 and above.

Check out more of Michael’s videos on his YouTube channel. You can also stay posted on his work and future videos on his Facebook page.

[Via Vibrant Shot Photography]


Also as a quick heads up for anyone interested, I will be teaching a few retouching classes at the Fstoppers Workshop in the Bahamas this May. I’ll be going over my workflow and techniques that I use on a regular basis. I kept the cost of my class low so that everyone can make it out. Check out the details here: Come out and spend some time with us, you need that break! Check out the promo video on what you can expect at this year’s workshop!