New Netflix ad-supported account details appear, and you won’t like them…

New Netflix ad-supported account details appear, and you won't like them...
new netflix ad supported account details appear, and you won't like

If you are one of those who are waiting for the arrival of accounts with advertising from Netflix, news has appeared that you should know. This has to do with one of the most interesting functions of all those offered by the platform application and it is possible that, if confirmed, it will make more than one think very seriously not to use the new option that the service prepares streaming video.

One of the things that has been known to date regarding the subscription with advertising -and supposedly cheaper than Netflix- is that not all content is available on it. Obviously, all those that are owned by the company will not be missing, but others that come from third parties may not be able to be enjoyed in the new option that is being worked on with the aim of gaining users. But from the looks of it there will be some restriction plus.

The feature that would be missing in the Netflix ad-supported subscription

According to the information that has been known, and that comes from the hand of a developer named Steve Moser (which he has detected in the code of the Netflix iOS application), what cannot be done is download content to view them when you don’t have an Internet connection or don’t want to use mobile data. This is an important handicap, since this function is very useful to avoid annoying cuts if you are in a place with little coverage or not run out of gigabytes when you least expect them. The truth is that it is quite used when you leave the house for a long time.


In a way, this makes sense, because without an Internet connection it is difficult to manage advertising. Therefore, and if Netflix has not found another solution for the moment, it seems that downloading content to watch it if you do not have access to the cloud will be something that will have to be assumed at the new cheaper rate and with advertisements. We will see if this is resolved in the future if confirmed – which the company has not done at the moment.

Crucial moment for streaming video platforms

The latest movements in VOD services, such as the price increase of Disney+ or the merger that Warner is planning and that will make HBO Max as we know it disappear, are a clear example that things have to change in the sector of the market we are talking about. And it is that, regardless of who weighs, the economic situation is unsustainable since higher quality content is increasingly demanded in all senses and, this, has a price.

Therefore, expect more news like this from Netflix, Prime Video, HBO or Disney+ in the very near future. And, perhaps, more than one platform will end up disappearing through different mergers that will begin to occur in a short time. Time to time.