Mozilla Firefox 109 arrives with new extensions button and Manifest V3 support

Mozilla Firefox 109 arrives with new extensions button and Manifest V3 support

THE mozilla announced the version 109 of firefox with some small and important changes for its users. Among them, it is worth mentioning the button Unified Extensions and format support Manifest V3. The last version of the browser arrived in December and in the Android version, it started to allow the download of sites in PDF.

In this latest version, the Unified Extensions button aims to improve the management of actions such as reporting, removing or fixing an extension installed in the browser. Likewise, one can check whether the programs affect the page or a more specific web service.

The objective with this new feature is to demand less from the user so that the extensions update automatically and run normally. Finally, the new button is positioned next to the taskbar to make access even simpler for people.

The Firefox update also brought fixes for some bugs such as the Youtube search that did not show relevant information. Not only that, but the browser has stopped showing the screensaver when in autoscroll mode.

The update is bringing support for Manifest V3, a format that aims to block the performance of extensions that block ads. This feature has become controversial because of this, as it operates by preventing applications from working on the URLs responsible for loading advertisements. Including, Google postponed such an update for Chrome recently.

The Mozilla Firefox update is now available for Windows, macOS and Linux.

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