IOS 16’s Isolation Mode “puts a target on the user’s back”


In the next generation of operating systems, Apple will include a new mode named “of isolation” with the aim of eliminating or at least reduce the instances where users are exposedfor who they are or for what they do, become targets of even sophisticated digital attacks, such as those of NSO Group, a company against which it was also decided to take legal action in Cupertino.

There Mode of isolation of iOS 16, iPadOS 16 16.1 and macOS Ventura, which has no equal on the Android side, however, doesn’t seem perfect. If on one hand it should be able to protect journalists, activists, politicians and other sensitive targets to a greater extent – even by governments that are so to speak undemocratic -, on the otherCryptee CEO John Ozbay pointed out to colleagues at, it’s like he’s staring at a huge red target on the back of those who feel the need to protect themselves and take advantage of it.


In short, according to Ozbay it is really very simple to find out if an iPhone, an iPad or a Mac goes on the network with the Mode of isolation active, then it is as if whoever uses it declares himself as a sensitive objective. Moreover – he points out – the mode does not hide or alter the IP address (net of the use of a VPN, which the user must provide for himself), so from this point of view it does not seem to be very effective: ” reports “the user as a sensitive target and allows the IP address to be detected, with all the consequences of the case.

Let’s assume you are in China and you have Isolation Mode on. Any site you visit could effectively ascertain that you are using the mode, and it has your IP address as well. So potentially anyone can know that a particular user with a specific IP address is using Isolation Mode – Ozbay told Vice. Between security and privacy, [Apple] he chose safety.

The security expert confided that the easiest way to find out if the mode is active or not it switches from not loading custom fonts. If a page has them and the device does not load them, then it is active. “It took five minutes to put together the few lines of code necessary and verify its effectiveness”, Ozbay said. The result, if this article exists, is obvious: you can check for yourself via the link in STREET if you have the beta of iOS, iPadOS or macOS and then you can already activate the Mode of isolation (at the bottom of the menu Privacy and security of the Settings of iOS and iPadOS).


The point is that this is not a bug, of a solvable problem. It is trivial the other side of the coin of Apple’s method, and an Apple employee contacted by Ozbay also admitted. The company has little or no room to step in, and the Cryptee CEO’s hope is that a sufficiently large number of Apple users will use the Mode of isolation so as to make those who use it less “different” to protect specific interests, to protect against new NSO cases: “Those who use it to avoid being under fire would end up getting lost in the mass of other” simple “users who are particularly attentive to privacy”.

The manager however wanted to clarify his point of view so that his explanation was not interpreted as a criticism. Ozbay appreciates Apple’s measure, and was keen to let it be known.

I want to emphasize – he wrote on Twitter – that I think Isolation Mode is fantastic, Apple has done an exceptional job and the mode is a great step forward.