Google Files is updated with a feature inherited from Drive. Now it can be your document scanner

google files is updated with a feature inherited from drive.webp.webp.webp
google files is updated with a feature inherited from drive.webp.webp.webp

Android does not survive without its official application store, Play Store, but it would not do it in the same way without the google apps. With Google Files, we have an excellent file explorer, which was adapted to the aesthetic guidelines of Android 14 with its latest redesign.

Now it embraces a new function that we saw recently in Drive. The ability to scan documents, which lines up with the ability to read and analyze documents that it gained late last year. We tell you how does it work.

Google Files is now also your document scanner

He google file explorer It has been taking up some space in the internal memory of our mobile phones for some time. It is no wonder, as it more than fulfills its purpose in addition to being a powerful tool for freeing up space.

Google seems determined to give it more functions, and now, as we read in Android Authority, the new addition is an old acquaintance: a document scannersimilar to the one we saw a few weeks ago in the Google Drive app.

It was the renowned user, Mishaal Rahman, who noticed the change. Apparently, it does not come through an application update, but with a change in the server side.

Google File Scanner

Of course, they confirm that it is visible from the version 1.2729.610141523.0 of Google Files on the company’s mobile phones, that is, the Google Pixel. At Apps ProBox we have been able to use it on a Pixel 6A, Pixel 8 and even on a OnePlus, so it is not very clear if it will be exclusive or if it is spreading throughout the Android mobile portfolio.

Now, as soon as we open the file explorer, we will see a new floating button with the text “Scan” that leaves no room for doubt. When you touch it, the camera will open and we can scan any type of document. It works really well: auto capture simplifies the process without cropping.

Thus, it is capable of detect document size in question, although we can always do it manually using the “Manual” tab. It also gives us the possibility to crop, rotate, add filters and even clean the document, the latter is useful to eliminate stains or artifacts that affect the result.

When we have finished the scan, the saved documents will be saved as PDF in the path «Files by Google» > «Scanned». And we can share them normally.

Via | Android Authority

Cover image | Microsoft Designer Image Creator (with editing)

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Mubashir Hassan
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