Tag: router


This is how much you can save on your bill if you turn off your router every night

Leaving the router on at night is very normal. And these devices have become computers that never turn off. But, what is clear is that...

Can they know what you are looking for on the Internet through your router?

Are you paranoid that someone might know what it is what you search on the internet? If the owner of the router is...

My router does not detect the Ethernet cable, how do I fix it?

The best way to connect to the Internet if we want maximum speed is to do it through the router with an Ethernet cable....

Why is my router making a constant beep?

When silence is normal at home, the incessant beeping from the router can cause confusion and concern. What causes this persistent sound? ...

Think about it before turning off the router at night and keep this in mind

Is it a good idea to turn off the router at night, or does it have more drawbacks than benefits? More and more...