Spotify ditches the like button to improve app usability

Spotify ditches the like button to improve app usability
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Spotify is giving goodbye to the like button with its traditional heart icon. The news was confirmed this week, and the platform claims that the change is aimed at improving the usability of the application.

With the change, the heart will be replaced by a “Plus” button, which will be signaled by a plus sign. With it, the user will be able to add not only songs, but also podcasts and various contents in their playlist or playlist.

According to Spotify, the new button will work simply and automatically. Tapping it once should send a song to the favorites list or a podcast to the “my episodes” tab.

Image/playback: Spotify.

If you press the plus button faster, the user will be able to choose a playlist where to save the music. On the other hand, if you want to remove a track from your library or even playlist, tapping the plus button will also do the trick.

For the streaming platform, the change will save users time, since, before the change, removing a song from the playlist would have required the task of finding it manually.

For now, the news is being rolled out slowly and gradually on Android and iOS apps. Spotify claims that the plus button will be available to everyone in the “coming weeks”.

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