Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, the tele 10X of S21U and S22U will still be there | Rumor


Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra may continue to use the telephoto with 10x zoom and periscope lens that we have now come to know with the S21 Ultra and S22 Ultra: the guys from Galaxy Club, the historic Dutch portal / forum, protagonist of the rumor scene since the genesis of the Galaxy brand itself. The source, without going into too much detail, says the key specifications of the unit will remain the same (sensor resolution at 10MP included), but at the moment we cannot rule out that the South Korean giant has implemented refinements and small improvements to the original formula.

After all, there is still a long time from now to the moment in which the smartphone will be presented – probably, a late winter / early spring 2023. Over the months it is reasonable to expect that the identikit will gradually become more complete and full of details. Having said that, there is no reason to deprive yourself of the pleasure of hazarding a few hypotheses about the rest of the device – and more precisely, given that we are on the subject, about photographic capabilities.

The source speculates the possibility that the future top of the range Samsung will implement a very high resolution sensor for the main camera, perhaps at 200 MP; after all, Samsung with the ISOCELL brand has presented what for now are the only two photographic sensors able to reach this goal. It is worth remembering that in recent days even the well-known leaker Ice Universe has expressed itself on this possibility.

The ISOCELL HP1, presented last year, is a real flagship sensor, given its generous dimensions; the HP3, released more recently, is instead smaller in size and therefore probably aimed at a slightly lower market segment. Neither of the two sensors has yet officially arrived on the market, but by now we should be there: in the front row are Motorola Frontier and Redmi K50S Pro, which we talked about today. It is reasonable to think that for its flagship Samsung will choose the most prestigious sensor, then the HP1, but who knows. We can only wait for further clues.

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