Google announced that its desktop version will no longer have numbered pages soon and now more news about the company’s mobile application has arrived through Telegram’s Google News channel. Images showing the changes were published hours after Google’s Search On 2022 event, where several new features were announced.
In the images we can see that the Google application’s search bar should be thicker, which should facilitate its use for those with thicker fingers or who have some mobility restriction.
Another improvement pointed out is the search suggestion, which is shown just below the search bar, facilitating access to common searches on the cell phone, such as recent screenshots, items to buy and other things based on your query history.
We’ve noticed yet another change: the addition of a bell next to your profile picture to access notifications about topics you’ve subscribed to.
At the moment, Google appears to be testing the new interface on a limited basis, so it should take some time for it to reach more users, that is, if it is approved by the testers, of course.