Reddit makes adding GIFs in comments available to everyone


Reddit seems to have started a race in recent times to catch up on modern features so as not to fall behind other social platforms available today.

In this sense, starting today its partnership with Giphy, one of the largest libraries of animated GIF files, to allow users to select and post animated GIFs in post comments, as long as the administrators of the subreddits where they participate enable it, as they see fit.

clarify that This new feature may be activated on all SFW (safe for work) subreddits that are not currently quarantined, and it will automatically be activated on all newly created subreddits, with the possibility that the respective moderators can deactivate it.

Up-to-date with modern features

It should also be noted that users will have access to a selection of GIFs set by Giphy instead of being able to access the entire library that it has, although even so, they will have a wide variety of GIFs to include in the comments.

Although Reddit has been allowing GIFs to be added to comments in recent times, this feature has been available in the testing phase for those users who pay a Powerups subscription, although given the success of this feature, now they make it extensible for the rest of the users of the platform according to the permissiveness established by the moderators of the different subreddits.

With this move, the usual practice of linking to a third-party hosted GIF in comments could be left behind, something that may remind you of the early days of Twitter when it didn’t yet support images natively, requiring users to leave the comments page to the website where the GIF is hosted.

Let’s also remember the recent arrival of the limited edition Collectible Avatars, with which the veteran platform also makes its foray into the NFT segment.

More information: Giphy

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.