How to send a WhatsApp message without using your hands


There are times when you need to send a message via WhatsApp and you don’t have your hands available at that moment. Perhaps, when you are preparing a cooking recipe, or when you are driving and you cannot take your hands off the wheel.

Sometimes you need to send a WhatsApp quickly and without using your hands

In this type of situation, there is the possibility of resorting to technology to help us send a message in such a daily situation. It also allows us to respond to that message we just received without having to stop what we’re doing.

The simplest and most recommended is to use the voice commands of the virtual assistants of our mobile phone. Depending on the operating system that is being used, we will have to use one command or another.

Handsfree WhatsApp Message on Android Mobile Phones

If you use a mobile phone with Google’s Android operating system, all you have to do to be able to send a message through WhatsApp without having to use your hands or touch the keyboard is to use the Google Assistant and have given it permission on your device. to be able to use WhatsApp.

In this case, to activate the assistant you will have to say “OK Google” and give it the phrase you want to send. For example, you can say something like “OK Google, send a WhatsApp message to (contact name) that says (message text).”

You will have to indicate the points and spelling signs that you want to include, but the Google assistant will take care of everything so that your message reaches the person -or group- that you had indicated.

Hands-free WhatsApp messaging on iPhone mobiles

On the contrary, if you use an iPhone mobile phone, with the iOS operating system, you will have to use Siri -which is what your voice assistant is called- to send a message through WhatsApp without using your hands or using the keyboard.

In this case, to activate the relationship with Siri you will have to say something like “Hey Siri” and then point to what you want to send. For example, something like “Hey Siri, send a WhatsApp message to (contact name) that says (message text).”

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.