How much is the phantom consumption of each device in the home?

how much is the phantom consumption of each device in the home
how much is the phantom consumption of each device in the home

The concept ‘ phantom consumption ‘ refers to the electricity consumption made by electronic devices simply by being connected to the current. In theory, appliances don’t consume particularly much when they’re not in use, but unplugging them could help you save in the long run.

According to the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), between 7 and 11 percent of the expenditure we make in Spain on electricity corresponds to the devices that we leave on stand-by. According to Podo, a website specialized in energy rates, the average Spanish home spends 900 euros per year, so phantom consumption amounts to approximately between 63 and 99 euros per year .

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has a calculator so that we Spaniards can know the phantom consumption expenditure of our home. This tool shows the power, electronic consumption and CO₂ generated by a device connected to the current and how it can be translated into electricity bills.

It should be noted that the data given by the OCU are based on the general average. You should take this information into account throughout the entire article, since it will not always be the exact figure for the home. It is possible that, in your home, phantom consumption represents more or less annual expenditure, and the calculator only serves to give us a rough idea.

Audiovisual devices on stand-by

The devices we use to watch audiovisual content can be an expense for our pocket. In the OCU calculator, they take into account several devices that we may have in our home:

  • Television : its annual consumption is 1.61 kWh, which represents an expense of 0.48 euros per year.
  • Decoder : its annual consumption is 4.04 kWh, which represents a cost of 1.21 euros per year.
  • Console : its annual consumption is 14.89 kWh, which represents a cost of 4.47 euros per year.
  • Cordless telephone : its annual consumption is 13.14 kWh, which represents a cost of 3.94 euros per year.
  • Music station : its electrical consumption is 35.04 kWh, which represents an expense of 10.51 euros per year.
  • Sound bar : its electrical consumption is 21.9 kWh, which represents an expense of 6.57 euros per year.
  • Alexa/Google speaker : its electrical consumption is 26.28 kWh, which represents a cost of 7.88 euros per year.


The phantom consumption of computers, printers and similar

The essential devices for teleworking, such as the PC or printer, also have their section in the calculator. As with the rest of the devices, depending on the specifications, they may spend more or less, but the OCU shows its average figures. Here are the results:

  • Computer : its electrical consumption is 16.06 kWh, which represents an expense of 4.82 euros per year.
  • Portable : its electrical consumption is 8.03 kWh, which represents a cost of 2.41 euros per year.
  • Monitor : its electrical consumption is 3.85 kWh, which represents an expense of 1.16 euros per year.
  • Router : its electrical consumption is 35.04 kWh, which represents an expense of 10.51 euros per year.
  • Printer : its electrical consumption is 52.56 kWh, which represents an expense of 15.77 euros per year.
  • PC speakers : their electrical consumption is 26.28 kWh, which represents an expense of 7.88 euros per year.


The expense of plugged-in kitchen devices

When it comes to cooking, we increasingly turn to technological products. The OCU provides information on the phantom consumption of two of the most common:

  • Microwave : its electrical consumption is 21.9 kWh, which represents an expense of 6.57 euros per year.
  • Coffee machine : its electrical consumption is 17.52 kWh, which represents an expense of 5.26 euros per year.


What it costs to leave the air conditioning systems connected

Summers are getting hotter year after year, so air conditioning is becoming essential for many homes. There are also other air conditioning systems that consume, even when we are not using them. In the OCU, they mention some of them:

  • Air conditioning : its electrical consumption is 14.89 kWh, which represents an expense of 4.47 euros per year.
  • Gas thermos : its electrical consumption is 7.45 kWh, which represents an expense of 2.23 euros per year.
  • Gas boiler : its electrical consumption is 25.16 kWh, which represents an expense of 8.15 euros per year.


Cleaning appliances and phantom consumption

Within the ‘Other’ list, the OCU only refers to the robot vacuum cleaner , which is increasingly popular in Spanish homes.

According to the calculator they provide, the electrical consumption of robot vacuum cleaners is 22.78 kWh. This represents an annual expense of 6.83 euros.


Conclusions of phantom consumption

The device that uses the most electricity at home is, according to OCU data, the printer. This is also one of the least used in homes, so it is possible that, after reading this, you decide to unplug it and only plug it in when you need it. On the other hand, the one that spends the least is the television, which does not reach half a euro per year.

It is clear that not all homes have all the devices that we have mentioned throughout this article. However, the Consumer and User Organization’s calculator is available to those who register on its platform completely free of charge, so anyone can add up the approximate amount of spending they are making on phantom consumption.

It is also possible that there are houses that have devices that have not been talked about (because there is no data on the matter in the OCU). In those cases, you will have to wait to see if the calculator adds new data over time. In any case, the tool is still very useful for families who want to save some money each year by disconnecting some devices that they do not usually use.


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