Forget about spending time on your PowerPoint presentations: With this trick you can create slides in seconds

forget about spending time on your powerpoint presentations with this.jpg
forget about spending time on your powerpoint presentations with this.jpg

Until the arrival of Artificial Intelligence, designing a presentation for university or work was synonymous with having to invest a large amount of time in choosing the appropriate topic and template. In many cases, we even dedicated more resources to this issue than to the creation of the content itself. Luckily, with this new feature, minimizing the time we spend creating our template is easier than ever.

Can you imagine being able to generate a power Point presentation for your next professional or academic commitment in a matter of seconds? This is Microsoft’s proposal through Microsoft 365 through the Artificial intelligence. PowerPoint Designer is the name of this functionality: A new tool that appears in the form of a button, without wanting a lot of prominence, but that allows us to automatically create slides in a matter of seconds.

One of its main characteristics is the notable time savings it offers us when dealing with any type of template. Avoiding having to spend our time searching for the multitude of themes of the application itself, through a proposal of designs that completely adapt to the information that we have offered to PowerPoint. In this way, from the first steps we will be receiving proposals that maintain the same coherence. And all this without having to spend more than a few moments.

Before talking about the function, it must be made clear that this is a Microsoft 365 feature It is only available to subscribers, that is, users who pay a monthly or annual fee to access this product from the Redmond-based company. Without a doubt, a good claim that will encourage many to opt for the non-free option due to the obvious convenience and time savings in an activity that has traditionally involved dedication and effort. However, it is not ruled out that it will soon reach the offline versions of the office suite par excellence.

Microsoft is betting on this business model that seeks to achieve the loyalty of its users through subscriptions. The truth is that, for a person who makes regular use of it, it may be a good investment, but it will not be for the rest of the more occasional people. Knowing that online we can access all the tools of this computer suite, payment probably makes sense in cases of urgency and need.

Be that as it may, let’s see how to work the PowerPoint Designer, a function that we would all have liked to have had a few years ago when this type of presentations were at the crest of the wave. Those most careful with detail would have liked to have the new options, due to their sophistication and agility.

This is how PowerPoint Designer works

To start using this new functionality, just we must open PowerPoint and start working as we would normally. Writing directly on the blank presentation. Once we have the content written, we must click on the “Designer” tab that we can find at the top of the application. As you can see in the following image, it is an easily located option.


One of the peculiarities of this element is that it not only offers us Design proposals In the first slide and in the following ones it is dedicated to replicating them. The magic of this version is that, as we go writing new keywords, Artificial Intelligence itself offers us new recommendations that adapt to the content we are writing.

The result is a final presentation that keeps an excellent coherence between design and information. The difference with respect to a random presentation system is that it guarantees us a proposal quite similar to what we would have sought to do manually. It keeps the presentation dynamic until the last moment and achieves a result that would have taken us hours to achieve.

Much more than design

Although the help it offers us in terms of design is key In terms of time savings, the The reality is that AI that Microsoft has used to implement this new functionality also offers us help in the form of recommendations when it considers that we are overloading the slide too much with text or any other element.

Based on the decision we make from their recommendations, whether we want rethink the content As if we do not want to make any modifications, the design will adapt, maintaining the balance we need on the visual level. We cannot find the templates that it offers us in stock in the usual themes that appear by default in PowerPoint, so we do not run the risk of our presentation being similar to that of any other colleague. Avoiding a fairly classic risk that we can find in environments such as schools, for example.

Yes, it is important to highlight that the PowerPoint Designer feature It must be activated every time we click on create or duplicate a new slide if we want to obtain recommendations throughout the creation process of each one of them. Otherwise, the layout will be inherited from the last slide we created.

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