Android loses one of the most useful features at work: here are Google’s reasons for doing it

android loses one of the most useful features at work
android loses one of the most useful features at work

Google is closing one of the data security gaps in one of its most important sharing functions on Android phones.

Android 14 was finally presented last month with the arrival of the new Google Pixel 8. A version that adds many improvements and even some for Nearby Share, although now the technology giant closes the door to one of the security gaps in Android phones when used in the work environment.

Nearby Share is one of the best new features that Android has launched in recent years and filled a void that had been occupied by various apps , although none reached the ease that it is now to pass a document, photo, video or link through the Android share window through this feature.

And even though it’s now available for Windows , Google is fixing this app to make it safer when using Android at work . Corporate data is an invaluable asset and the technology giant is taking responsibility for ensuring that this functionality at least cannot be used by updating it and disabling its use by default on Android devices when they have an active work profile.

Closing a security gap

It is not difficult to imagine that moment when it is so easy to share company data through an Android mobile with Nearby Share. In fact, company IT departments have been battling this security risk for years, since there has been no way to deactivate this function in mobile work profiles.

Even Samsung published a document to mitigate the effects of Nearby Share in the work environment by suggesting that IT administrators disable functions such as location, Bluetooth or WiFi to prevent the activation of said Android feature.

From the new documentation on Google system updates (Google System Updates) you can find a recent change for developers and users in which it is mentioned that Nearby Share will be disabled by default in work profiles on the smartphone. In fact, this change is currently being deployed through Google Play services in version 23.41.

Google does not clarify whether this functionality will be disabled until switching between profiles on an Android device, or if it will be the new default state , according to Android Police . A measure that will be well embraced by administrators of IT departments in companies in order to forget about a possible data leak.

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