The Netflix of free courses exists and you probably don’t know it

the netflix of free courses exists and you probably don't know it
the netflix of free courses exists and you probably don't know it

If you want to learn new skills, this website has everything you need. Offering us not only a wide variety, but also an appearance very similar to what we find in some of the best-known streaming platforms, such as Netflix.

Over the past few years, everything that has to do with online training has experienced unprecedented growth. More and more people are seeking to incorporate all types of skills into their profile, relying on the wide variety of knowledge that is gathered in the digital field. And, in this scenario, there is a platform that has inherited the appearance of some of the best-known streaming platforms and, on top of it, has built one of the most complete communities that exist within the field of training. This is Clasefix, accessible from this link , we will tell you all the details.

Courses by subject

Depending on the course we are looking for, the platform offers us a distribution of all the courses it contains organized by topic. On its main page we will be able to access courses to get a job, to make advertisements through the internet, using social networks or, for example, Artificial Intelligence . With different options to learn some of the most used tools, such as Midjourney or ChatGPT, for example.


One of the peculiarities that the tool offers us is that when we find a course that may be interesting, we do not have to register for it or enter our personal data. We just have to access it and click on the play button. Automatically, the video will start playing and we can begin to complete the lessons. The positive part is that we do not have to pass the lesson to move on to the next one. But we can go directly to those in which we are really interested.

The only time we have to enter our personal data is when we want to issue a certificate for having completed the course. In this case, we must create an account and, in it, all the courses that we take and the certifications that we have obtained in each of the courses will be registered. In case we want to print it to attach it to our resume, we can also send it to ourselves by email.

Employment searcher

With a clear orientation towards improving people’s skills to be able to access the labor market, Claseflix also includes a tab that allows access to a selection of job offers that may be interesting. The positive aspect is that all of them are updated and we can know the date on which they were published, to know if, in fact, it is worth trying or if it has already become very outdated.

At the time of writing, we cannot filter job offers based on our profile or interests. But it does include a search engine at the top that can help us search only for those ads that offer jobs that may adapt to our interests. Becoming a tool to take into account both in terms of training and job search.


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